Thanks to the State Library of NSW as a library member you can access free books in 43 community languages.
Each language collection has;
- adult fiction – in a range of genres, where available
- adult non-fiction – including cookbook, history, biographies, etc.
- children’s books – including board books, picture books, chapter books, etc.

You can talk to any staff at the library and tell them what language you’d like and what kinds of books you’d like.
The entire box only counts as one loan on your account, so you can still borrow 19 other items from the library.
We submit your preferences to the State Library of NSW, although you might request certain kinds of books, sometimes they might not have any like that available in their collection. They do not have magazines or newspapers.
The State Library doesn’t track what it has sent to us in the past. If you have read most of the titles in your box, just read the new books, then return the box to us.
Please feel free to make a new request and we’ll send that to the State Library before returning the last box. This ensures that you’ll get a different batch of books for next time.
Mango Languages
Keen to learn another language?
Whether you’re planning the trip of your dreams, or getting in touch with your heritage challenge yourself to learn something new!
Learn at your own pace with over 70 languages to explore!
Tech Help in your own language
Showcasing over 9000+ cultural heritage items including photographs, objects, maps and more.
Interpreter Service
If you need an interpreter to tell us what sort of books, magazines or other services you need from us, you can use Council’s interpreter service. Language Aide Officers are accredited in Macedonian, Spanish and Croatian.
If the Language Aide Officer is not available, or the issue is complex, please contact the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131450.