Collection & Access Strategy
Collection Statement
Shellharbour City Libraries endeavours to be an unbiased source of knowledge, information and ideas through the provision of contemporary, comprehensive and balanced print and online collections. With a focus on popular material, we provide a range of subjects to meet a broad reach of community needs and expectations.
The availability and selection of library resources is governed by professional considerations and not by political, moral or religious views. Personal views or values, or any perception of the potential of material to offend or cause controversy, do not limit the materials Shellharbour City Libraries acquire and make accessible.
Shellharbour City Libraries are committed to the principles of intellectual freedom and access as described in the Statement of free access to information by the Australian Library and Information Association and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Public Library Manifesto 2022.
Our libraries are also obligated to comply with decisions made under State and Federal Law, including those by the Australian Classification board.
The collections are arranged and displayed to optimise access and usage. Careful consideration is given to the placement of resources within our libraries including the decision to arrange resources by genre, with spine out or face out display aligning with retail marketing principles. Consideration is also given to the placement of electronic resources on the library’s website, catalogue and apps to improve access and promote usage.
The Shellharbour City Libraries Collection and Access Strategy is a living document that is currently under review and due for completion by the end of the year.